

  • 500 gr Daging ikan tengiri dihaluskan
  • 100 gr Tepung sagu
  • 1 sdt Air jahe
  • 1/2 sdt Lada bubuk
  • 1/2 sdt Gula halus
  • 1 sdt Minyak wijen jika suka
  • 1 sdm Ebi disangan dan direndam (agar mudah lunak)
  • Garam secukupnya.

Cara Membuat:

  • Campur semua bahan, aduk hingga rata dan kalis, balutkan pada tahu dan telur rebus sisanya bulatkan sesuai selera.
  • Kukus siomai di dalam kukusan hingga matang, jika suka tambahkan kol yang digulung dan pare(dapat diisi dengan siomay)

Sambal Kacang :

  • 250 gr Kacang tanah digoreng
  • 3 siung Bawang putih digoreng
  • 4 buah Cabe merah dibuang bijinya digoreng
  • 1 sdm Gula pasir
  • 1/2 sdt Garam
  • 400 ml Air matang
  • Kecap manis dan jeruk limo secukupnya.
  • Haluskan semua bahan dengan diulek atau dibleder hingga halus kecuali kecap manis dan jeruk limo.

Cara menghidangkan:

  • Ambil siomai yang telah matang dari dalam kukusan (kondisi masih panas), potong sesui selera.
  • Siram siomai dengan sambal kacang, beri kecap manis dan air jeruk limo (kulit jeruk dapat dimasukkan ke dalam siomay, agar aroma lebih harum).
  • Siomay pun siap dihidangkan.

Food Safety Guidelines For Restaurants by Brett West

Food safety really matters. Though it isn't something most people think about on a daily basis, those in the restaurant industry are always thinking about it. Food safety is constantly on the mind of restaurant owners, chefs, kitchen staff members and anyone else involved in the restaurant. The last thing anyone working in the industry wants is for a customer to get sick from food that chefs worked hard to prepare. At the same time, people in the industry also want to avoid having their restaurant shut down because they didn't meet food safety standards.

Food Safety Guidelines

Food safety doesn't have to be an impossible thing to tackle. Having the right equipment and the right knowledge will help you. Here are some guidelines to remember:

All restaurant employees should follow hygiene guidelines. They should always wash their hands after using the restroom and before preparing food.

Cross-contamination of foods should be avoided at all times. Wash, rinse and sanitize all food contact surfaces like work tables, slicers, and other preparation equipment.

Cook foods to recommended internal temperatures.

Hot foods should be held hot at temperatures of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. Holding cabinets provide a constant source of proper heat.

Cold foods should be kept cold at temperatures of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Keep a thermometer in your refrigerator to make sure the temperature is at the proper setting.

Abusing standard time and temperature standards for food should be avoided at all costs when handling prepared foods.

Leftovers should only be reheated in the oven once; after that they should be tossed out.

Food Safety Means Better Health

The bottom line is that food safety matters to everyone. Restaurateurs, chefs, employees, and patrons can all be harmed by foodborne pathogens. There are more than 250 known foodborne diseases that cause anywhere from minor illness to death. By following the simple guidelines listed above and by making sure all of your restaurant equipment is functioning properly, you can help prevent disease and illness caused by unhealthy foods.


Healthy Food by Anand Upadhye

Food is an important element for the health of our body. Pollution, hereditary factors, noise, the environment where we are born, others' behavior do not depend on us, but we can always decide what to eat or not to eat.

Four Basic Nutrients

Water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the main elements of a healthy diet. If you choose the healthiest version of these nutrients and you eat them moderately, you can help your body function at an optimal level.

1. Water - it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day (2 liters).

2. Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates: sugar in milk, honey, and sweet fruit

Complex carbohydrates include fibers and starch, in bread and pasta, in beans or in potatoes.

3. Proteins - Complete proteins that can be found in meat, fish, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and milk, products based on soya - tofu, soya oil, and soya meat - contain complete proteins. Incomplete proteins can be found in cereals and vegetables.

4. Fats
Saturate fat acids are found in beef, lamb, pork, ham, and dairy products. Poly saturate fat acids can be found in different types of fish (tuna, salmon, and mackerel) and in vegetable oils - sunflower oil, soya oil or maize oil.

Essential Food for your Health

Money saved to eat at a fast food restaurant are not actually saved because you will use them after some time to treat your cold or other diseases that are consequences of unhealthy eating. Food should be the healthiest investment for your family. Here you can find a short list including the healthiest foods.

1. Fish Oil

It is healthier than fish and it can bring you many advantages:
• It prevents heart diseases, cancer, depression, arthritis, diabetes, ulcer and Alzheimer syndrome;
• It amplifies the energy level and the concentration capacity;
• It offers the greatest resistance against common diseases like flu and cold;
• It can help pregnant women avoid premature birth and other complications.

2. Fresh Vegetables
Nothing compares to the nutritional value of fresh vegetables. Apart from many nutrients, folic acid in green leafed vegetables prevent diseases, especially neurodegenerative ones, like Parkinson, and antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E) can help you keep your wit. If you eat especially animal proteins, you must opt for vegetables that are low in potassium - cauliflower, green peas, spinach, lettuce, and mushrooms.

3. Raw Eggs
Raw egg is an amazing food for your mind and your immune system. Even though it can take you quite long until you get used to it, do not forget that proteins and fats contained by eggs are essential for your body. Cooked eggs do not bring the same benefits from the nutritional point of view. There are more methods to eat raw eggs. You can simply swallow it quickly, or you can mix it with milk and banana shake or with vegetables juice.

4. Fresh Milk
Fresh milk is an amazing source of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Pasteurized milk does not offer the same benefits as fresh milk does.
